Tuesday 15 March 2011

Back in Action on Assignment Two - hopefully

With work under control and illness out of the way, I am hopeful that I can get back out into 'the street' (doing it instead of talking about it) in the next couple of days.  It will be the middle part of the day, in Manchester, and the main objective is:
  • Let's get serious about Assignment Two - ".. images of people in a meaningful actvity .." - in my case, people eating in a public place.
So, by way of preparation, I'm stopping to think 'What would be a reasonable outcome from the session?'  I think that, if I could achieve, say, two images that I feel I could use as part of my submission, that wouldn't be bad going.  More would be great, of course, but let's be realistic.  Which begs the question "What would make them usable?"
  • They need to be, very clearly, about 'eating in a public place'.
  • I'd like them to be contributing something to the observation of human behaviour/nature.
  • They must observe not mock, ridicule, exploit ...
  • My conclusion remains that they will record people 'unaware' - that is to say, I'm not going to approach people and ask them to pose.
  • In line with previous posts in this section, they need to be of a 'reasonable' technical standard.
  • And I think they will, so far as possible, look at this subject in a positive manner.
That's probably not a bad set of criteria to work with.  Of course, when out shooting, the main focus needs to be on observation and image-making, but no bad thing to have some basic principles in the back of my mind, I feel.  Watch this space!!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like quite a challenge to me. Looking forward to seeing your results. I agree strongly that it helps to have an idea at the back of your mind when you go out, while remaining open to opportunities at the same time. Best of luck!
